
Still working on the reprepro property :)

Here A property that I am using to publish a repository via apache (this is a prototype)

website :: String -> Property
website hn = toProp $ Apache.siteEnabled hn apachecfg
      apachecfg = [ "<VirtualHost *>"
                  , "DocumentRoot " ++ basePath
                  , "<Directory " ++ basePath ++ ">"
                  , "  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews"
                  , "  Order allow,deny"
                  , Apache.allowAll
                  , "</Directory>"
                  ] ++ concatMap deny ["db", "conf", "incoming"]
                  ++ ["</VirtualHost>"]

      deny dir = [ "<Directory \"" ++ basePath ++ "apt/*/" ++ dir ++ "\">"
                 , "  Order deny,allow"
                 , "  Deny from all"
                 , "</Directory>"

during my test I am runing the config.hs with runhaskell config.hs (it work the first time, the apache config files are ok)

but when I do a modification on the apachecfg and rerun the runhaskell, the config files are not updated. I need to remove them to have an updated version.

