This script turns

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Configured Monitor"

into this:

[ "Section \"Monitor\""
, "\tIdentifier \"Configured Monitor\""
, "EndSection"

for the inclusion of short config files in your Propellor config using File.hasContent.


main = interact $ unlines . propellorLines . lines

propellorLines        :: [String] -> [String]
propellorLines (x:xs) = ("[ " ++ wrapEscapeLine x) : propellorLines' xs

propellorLines' :: [String] -> [String]
propellorLines' = foldr step ["]"]
    step x xs = (", " ++ wrapEscapeLine x) : xs

wrapEscapeLine      :: String -> String
wrapEscapeLine line = "\"" ++ (foldr step "" line) ++ "\""
    step x xs
        | x == '\t' = "\\t" ++ xs
        | x == '\\' = x : x : xs
        | x == '"'  = '\\' : x : xs
        | otherwise = x : xs

Usage: cat config_file | propellor_lines (or in Emacs, dump the config file into your propellor config, select the region and use C-u M-| to pipe it through).

-- spwhitton