I'm working on adding static (predictable) dhcp records to libvirt guests (code at the end). It seems like I might need to either do the equivalent of

virsh net-update default delete ip-dhcp-host "<host mac='52:54:00:f0:62:01'/>"  --config --live || /bin/true
virsh net-update default add ip-dhcp-host "<host mac='52:54:00:f0:62:01' ip=''/>" --config --live

or parse the xml output of "virsh net-dumpxml". Is there some simple lightweight xml parsing option? Last time I tried something like this was a decade ago using HXT.Arrow, which didn't really end well.

staticDHCP :: Host -> IPAddr -> Maybe Network.Gateway -> Property UnixLike
staticDHCP h ip gw = property "assign ip to host via dhcp" $ do
                mac <- liftIO $ macAddress
                case mac of
                  Nothing -> errorMessage "no interface"
                  Just addr -> makeChange $ unlessM (updateIt addr) $
                                errorMessage "failed to update network"
    updateIt mac = boolSystem "virsh" [ Param "net-update"
                                  , Param "default"
                                  , Param "add-last"
                                  , Param "ip-dhcp-host"
                                  , Param $ "<host mac=\""++mac++"\" ip=\""++(ifaceToString ip)++"\"/>"
                                  , Param "--config"
                                  , Param "--live"]
    ifaceToString (IPv6 ipstr) = ipstr
    ifaceToString (IPv4 ipstr) = ipstr
    macAddress = do
      ifaces <- virshGetColumns ["domiflist", hostName h]
      case ifaces of
        [] -> return Nothing
        (i:_) -> return $ Just $ Propellor.Base.last i