With 3.0.1, 3.0.2 or 3.0.3:
artemis ~ % propellor --init
_ ______`| ,-.__
.--------------------------- / \___-=O`/|O`/__| (____.'
- Welcome to -- \ / | / ) _.-'-._
- Propellor! -- `/-==__ _/__|/__=-| ( \_
`--------------------------- * \ | | '--------'
(o) `
Propellor's configuration file is ~/.propellor/config.hs
Let's get you started with a simple config that you can adapt
to your needs. You can start with:
A: A clone of propellor's git repository (most flexible)
B: The bare minimum files to use propellor (most simple)
Which would you prefer? [A|B] B
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/swhitton/.propellor/.git/
Creating minimal config ... done
Let's try building the propellor configuration, to make sure it will work...
Writing a default package environment file to
Creating a new sandbox at /home/swhitton/.propellor/.cabal-sandbox
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring config-0...
cabal: At least the following dependencies are missing:
propellor >=3.0
propellor: failed to make dist/setup-config
(propellor installed from Debian)
: This is in the NEW queue. done --spwhitton
You need to update the Debian package to include the propellor haskell library in binary form. I had not included the haskell library in the package before in binary form, because I was targeting only option A, where it's cloned from the git archive in the package.
Any other installation method than the debian package that I know of installs both the propellor command and the propellor haskell library.
(Note that propellor 3.0.1W3.0.3 fixes an unrelated bug that prevented option B from working.)